年度最 Hot 放射科文章
2017 年就快要結束了,先預祝各位新年快樂。從大約 5 天前開始,放射科的兩大重點 journal — Radiology 和 Radiographics — 就開始在 Twitter 上陸續公佈今年瀏覽量和下載量最多的前五大文章,統整如下,不知各位是不是都有看過這些重點中的重點呢?
- Guidelines for Management of Incidental Pulmonary Nodules Detected on CT Images: From the Fleischner Society 2017 (July 2017)
- Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) in 2017: What Radiologists Can Learn (April 2017)
- Machine Learning of Three-dimensional Right Ventricular Motion Enables Outcome Prediction in Pulmonary Hypertension: A Cardiac MR Imaging Study (May 2017)
- Deep Learning at Chest Radiography: Automated Classification of Pulmonary Tuberculosis by Using Convolutional Neural Networks (August 2017)
- Imaging of Muscle Injuries in Sports Medicine: Sports Imaging Series (March 2017)
和 machine learning 有關的有兩篇(果然是今年最紅的話題),chest 的一篇,trauma 一篇,MSK 一篇。
- ITMIG Classification of Mediastinal Compartments and Multidisciplinary Approach to Mediastinal Masses (March-April 2017)
- Bronchiolitis: A Practical Approach for the General Radiologist (May-June 2017)
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Role of Radiology in Diagnosis and Management (January-February 2017)
- A Comprehensive Approach to Hepatic Vascular Disease (May-June 2017)
- Congenital Variants and Anomalies of the Aortic Arch (January-February 2017)
Chest + CV 共有四篇(最大贏家),HPB 一篇。這會不會影響到次專科的選擇呢??
AuntMinnie 和 AuntMinnie Europe 也同樣的公佈了年度 most popular top 10,不過為了節省版面,也是列出 top 5 就好:
- Pull linear MRI contrast from market, European group says (March 10, 2017)
- Mass. MRI firm taps Brady for Super Bowl ad (February 6, 2017)
- Action star Chuck Norris, wife file gadolinium MRI lawsuit (November 1, 2017)
- Study finds gadolinium retention causes no neurologic harm (November 29, 2017)
- Philips launches new Azurion interventional platform (February 22, 2017)
AuntMinnie Europe
- Top 5 trends from ECR 2017 in Vienna (7 March 2017)
- Pull linear MRI contrast from market, European group says (10 March 2017)
- Gadolinium: PRAC modifies advice on contrast agents (10 July 2017)
- Does breast MRI hold future for mammography market? (8 March 2017)
- Gadolinium: EU nations get 1 year to implement EMA ruling (27 November 2017)
和 Gadolinium 相關的最為大宗,共有 6 篇。
R@diology 影醫日報
雖然本小站才開沒多久,不過也來列個 top 5 好了:
- FDA 核准西門子 7T MRI 的臨床使用
- 英國放射科因為 2 個 Missed Cancer 而接受全面性調查
- 贏得 RSNA 17 Bone Age 機器學習冠軍的心路歷程
- FDA 聲明:熱成像攝影不能取代乳房攝影來做篩檢
- 放射科報告怎麼打看起來比較不那麼蠢